How Color Pencils Made.?
Colored Pencils. |
Available since the early nineteenth century, a moderate range of 15-20 colors was manufactured in both America and Europe by the early 20th century. The pencils, however, were not highly pigmented and did not contain as much wax as today's products, nor were they marketed for artistic use. A circa 1905 catalogue refers to "commercial colors for checking and marking". By 1924, colored pencils in over 60 colors were being sold for artistic use by A.W. Faber; that same year Caran d'Ache, a leading manufacturer of artists' colored pencils, was founded in Switzerland, with Schwan Stabilo in Germany following a year later. In America, Berol Prismacolors, advertised for their velvety texture and wide range of laboratory tested colors, were introduced in 1938. Today's artists have at their disposal an enormous range of colored pencils to choose from, in both water and organic solvent soluble varieties, as well as a professional organization to represent their interests, The Colored Pencil Society of America.
Filler (kaolin, talc, chalk), colorant (pigment or dye), binding material (cellulose ethers, vegetable gums), wax (paraffin, beeswax, carnauba wax).
1. Color Weighing. |
1. Color pencils starts with the combination of pigments, every pigments has a specific color recipe. They specifically weigh the portions of ingredients.
2. Heating & Blending |
2. Then they boil the specific quantity of water and add binding agents a secret kind of gum or waxes and minerals and they expanded in hot water forming a paste.
3. Chunk |
3. Workers then mix the pigments into the paste. Next machine process the paste into a defined chunks intensifying the color.
4. Squeezed. |
4. The chunks moved by the conveyer belt into the cylinder which compress them then feeds into the extrusion machine, the ext-ruder squeeze them and continue into a string that’s the diameter of pencil lead.
5.a. Sliced Lead String. |
5.b. Pigment adding, |
5. In the top secret process the next machine chops the long lead into a pencil length lead and they dipped in the chemical waxes. The wax is absorbed and pigment is added into the leads and this case it is read.
6. Quality Check. |
6. Then the sample of lead is taken into the quality test including the breaking and durability test. In durability test each lead must write about 100 yards of writing.
7. Once the Quality control people done their work, the next work is to place the lead into the wooden cover which makes them as a complete pencil. The next process are like Lead placing, Joining the wooden planks, Color coating, Sharpening, Packing.
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